
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Crazy Thing Is...

Maybe it's the newness of it all. Maybe I like too hard. Maybe you're just too far. I'm not sure what it is, but it scares me. We can't physically be together due to extenuating circumstances, but I like the possibility. It's something different that you do to me. I'm frightened by the thought that you and me could never be. But I'm more afraid of what we could possibly grow to be. I guess I'll just have to stay tuned to see. All I know is you remain by my side whenever I try to run. I like that. Call me what you want. I can't even front. The crazy thing is...what we have, we can't even flaunt. I hate that. What am I to do? How am I to feel? How do I know that this is even real? I build walls to protect myself from people like you. However, not too many choose to help me break those walls down. So, why do you stick around? I'm pushing you away, but yet you remain. Why? What do you have to gain? I don't know what we're doing. I don't know your thoughts. I just know that I'm happy. The crazy thing think you've trapped me, but I like being caught.

~ Kidd  

Say Word

When My Brother Stood
By: Me (Ryan G.) 
(Inspired by Essex Hemphil: When My Brother Fell)

When my brother stood
Fear took hold of his body
And tears embraced his face
It was at that moment that I knew
His life would never be the same
As I was able to feel his anxiety in
My own bones
He was already fragile
Yet prepared for stones to be thrown

Years of trying to fit
Needing to blend in
Afraid because nobody cared enough to
Defend him
But now, now he was prepared to lose it all
In order to gain every piece of himself
He was willing to be nude
In order to feel fully clothed and protected in himself
He was ready to leave
In order to arrive once again as himself
So as my brother stood

I reached out to hold his hand
Afraid to look into his eyes
Fearing what that could mean
But I reached out in hopes of touching
His soul
But as our hands met, I felt a sense
Of familiarity
And as our eyes finally met
I realized that I knew him
As more than simply my brother
He was my reflection
He was my story
He was my soul
He was me
And as my brother stood

I was encouraged to find my home
Next to him
Both of us facing a ten foot wall
Both of us standing twenty feet tall
Fearing the unknown
But accepting the freedom
The weight that had been suffocating us
For years and years
Had finally been lifted
And we were breathing
Breathing deep breaths of
Exhaling immense amounts of self-hate
He found himself
I claimed myself
We accepted ourselves
So when my brother stood
I stood as well
And promised to never let him stand alone
Because this too was my battle

~ Kidd   

Monday, April 12, 2010

Quote This

"Straight Americans need… an education of the heart and soul. They must understand - to begin with - how it can feel to spend years denying your own deepest truths, to sit silently through classes, meals, and church services while people you love toss off remarks that brutalize your soul."

~   Bruce Bawer

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Say Word

Chocolate Milk
You tempt me
So tantalizing
You tease me
Tickle my tastebuds
You please me
Just need one sip
You please me

"Take it how you want, but it's clearly not about chocolate milk"
   ~ Kidd   

Saturday, March 27, 2010


After watching Erykah Badu's video for Window Seat, and listening to the words she speaks at the end, it made me think how much we, as a society, tend to conform. Groupthink is a kind of conformity in which what is popular in a cohesive in-group becomes so dominant, so the norm, that it overrides appraisal of an alternative. In other words, individuality is looked down up while conformity is accepted and reinforced. In the video Erykah Badu stripped herself of everything holding her back, of everything making her like everyone else, of everything stopping her from being her true self...this was done in the form of her literally stripping and walking down the street. First off, the body is banging lol...but beyond that the concept was bananas. I mean imagine what it would be like if we could free ourselves from the social cobweb that traps us and keeps us from reaching our full potential. Think about it, by conforming to social norms instead being our individual selves and going against the grain, we are ultimately allowing society to dictate our actions and, even worse, limit our minds. So often we, myself included, are afraid to go against what is popular because we fear that rejection, we fear being part of the out-group--as if being part of the out-group is punishment for doing something different. But why do we fear being different? Because society tells us that it's wrong.  At the end of the video, Badu is shot and the word "groupthink" spills onto the ground. Her character was assassinated after stripping down and being noticed for her individuality. Wow individuality leading to character assassination...who'da thunk it? The sad thing is that it's true...we are put down, pushed to the side, and dismissed when we choose to go against what is accepted and expected and, instead, allow ourselves to be free and live freely. Think about it.

"Sometimes you have to forgo doing what's popular in order to do what's right."

~ Kidd